Natural Building

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Acorn provides general contracting services to design and complete your natural home.
Acorn also subcontracts any phase of your project from start to finish and lead workshops to educate you and your friends about the natural building process.
Acorn can provide the equipment necessary to complete your project including bale chopper, mortar mixer, and our custom Mix-O-Matic to do large batches of straw/clay and earthen plaster for floors, as well as all scaffolding, ladders, and other equipment.
The Acorn team has years of experience pioneering natural building techniques specific for this northern climate, and have completed many courses of instruction with experts from around the world.
Acorn Techniques of Natural Building:
Build small: do not worship the false god of square footage! Use the savings to buy higher quality interior finishes; you will enjoy high quality cabinets, built-ins, trim, stone countertops, etc. more than big rooms and big tax bills.
Build for the ages: use the most durable materials and processes to ensure your hard work will survive for many generations to enjoy.
Recycle and Reuse: Utilize existing structures and materials whenever possible.
Reduce life cycle energy inputs by choosing less processed materials, high quality windows and doors, roofing and superinsulation.
Avoid toxic chemicals, finishes, and products: a natural alternative exists for nearly every one.
Orient buildings for solar gain and employ overhangs to provide shade in summer. Use windbreak trees and cluster buildings to create courtyards and sheltered passages. Provide more outdoor living areas.
After these principles are considered,”go all the way” and utilize straw bale, straw/clay, cob, earthen plasters and other traditional natural techniques to create the “ultragreen” sustainable home.

Posted November 10, 2011 by acornpc